Who Do I Want to Be?

İsmail Efe Top


A drawing of a rose.

For me, there is only one answer to "What do you want to be?".

I want to be content.

I want to be content with what I do for a living, I want to be content with where I reside, and more importantly, I want to be content with who I am.

While I do have specific plans for my future, in the end, nothing else matters if I am not content.

I can't find true fulfillment in material things; it has to come from the work I put in. I have to work diligently, I have to always take the long road, and build myself with blood, sweat, and tears. So that I can cherish everything I have, as I will know for sure that they were deserved.

I also have to build my surroundings. We are reflections of our friends. That means I have to look up to and be proud of people whom I call friends. A fellow blogger, Marcel, has a great blog post called "Life-Affirming Choices". In that blog post, he says

"I want to be, and surround myself with, people who are willing to put in the effort to live a life their future selves will thank them for—people who make scalable, life-affirming choices because they know these actions grow and compound over time, leading to greater, unexpected benefits."

I recommend checking out his post as he has been a great inspiration for this.

A drawing of an ivy.

While I am proud and happy with everything I've achieved up until now, I also know my potential. I know that I can do great things that can change the world for the better, and I want to live up to it.

In the end, our life is too fleeting not to do great things.

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