
İsmail Efe Top

If you don't know what a colohpon is,

"A colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies."

How do I write?

I use org-mode for all of my writing. I write unique html exports in my documents and then I use pandoc to export them to html. I also have a custom css. Here is what my site looks like:

An image of Emacs that displays the original form of this site.

How do I edit?

I use vscode to write and edit html & css. I use a live-server extension for live previewing my changes.

After I am done, I run my RSS script and generate an updated RSS feed. I go more in depth about my RSS setup in my blog post.

How do I publish?

I use github pages to publish my site, it is free and fast. It can give you a free domain but I choose to use my own. After I finnish editing my files I push them to my github repo and all is done.

What technologies does my site support?

What is the licence of this site?

This work is licensed under CC BY 4.0


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